Our Mission Statement
In partnership with the family and church, our mission is to provide each child with a biblical foundation for life that promotes Christ-like character, scholastic excellence and faithful service to others.

Parma Heights Christian Academy (PHCA) opened its doors in the fall of 1979. The Academy is a private, Kindergarten thru Seventh Grade Christian school. It is recognized by the State of Ohio as a non-public, state chartered school and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). In 2003, PHCA received the distinguished National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence award. The enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is 190 students. As a ministry of Cross of Hope Church, it is our purpose through the power of the Holy Spirit to train each child in the way he should go: spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically. We seek to make disciples and present every person complete in Christ by imparting the truths and wisdom of God through the exercise of God’s gifts as they relate to education.
PHCA is a ministry to the Christian community, located on the campus of Cross of Hope Church at 8971 West Ridgewood Drive, Parma Heights, Ohio. Housed in the Family Education Wing, this facility encompasses grades K-7, and includes a cafeteria, an art room, a library, a twenty-five unit computer lab, a full-size gymnasium, and a music room.
Teachers are born again believers, and are state and ACSI certified. They are dedicated professionals who engage in self-renewal and staff development activities annually.
Content area is examined in detail. During the course of study review, sample curriculum is solicited from a variety of publishers, both Christian and secular. Selection of a publisher must meet our criteria for excellence and parallel our course of study goals and objectives. Teachers are required to integrate biblical application in their weekly lesson plans in all subject matter.
Families come from many different denominations. Enrolling families are not required to be of the Baptist affiliation. All Bible classes teach biblically-based Christianity, but do not espouse any particular denominational doctrine. The New International Version (NIV) Bible is utilized in all classes. Bible classes are held the first period each day, with Thursdays reserved for Chapel services.
Students of families requiring an early AM drop off may arrive to school as early as 7:15 AM and report to the Family Life Center (gymnasium) where a caregiver is on duty free of charge. Students are picked up by their classroom teachers at 8:00 AM to begin preparing for the day. Classes begin at 8:15 AM and conclude at 2:50 PM. After school care is available from 3:00 to 6:00 PM for a fee of $4.00 per hour ($2.00 per half-hour or any portion thereof).
PHCA students do not have a “uniform”, however there is a basic dress code for boys and girls. Button front shirts and blouses, polo style shirts and dresses, turtlenecks, and sweaters, cardigans, and vests of any solid color are acceptable. Slacks must be dress style-twill or corduroy (without cargo pockets or rivets) in black, navy blue, dark gray, or khaki. Skirts and jumpers must be no more than 2″ above the knee and may be black, navy blue, dark gray, khaki, or plaid. Dress code shorts may be worn in August, September, and May. PHCA logowear is also available for purchase and is dress code compliant.
Admission to this program is based on teacher referral and scholastic potential as demonstrated on report cards and standardized achievement measurements. Students selected for participation in this pull-out program meet with their instructor once a week for 40-minute sessions and engage in activities and projects which stimulate creative, critical and inferential thinking.
PHCA offers the opportunity for students to participate in girls volleyball, coed soccer, and boys and girls basketball.
Hot lunch meals are offered on Mondays and Wednesdays, and pizza is offered each Friday. Students pack lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays. White milk, chocolate milk and juice are available to purchase throughout the week, along with a few à la carte items (such as chips and yogurt).
As a state chartered school, an alliance exists between the Parma City School District and PHCA in offering special needs assessments and necessary services as determined. Specialized staff includes a remedial teacher, intervention tutor, and a speech pathologist.
Tuition is competitive, and we offer three different payment options.