Kindergarten through 7th grade students at PHCA receive a quality education that promotes scholastic excellence while giving them a biblical foundation for life. We look forward to partnering with you in your child’s education!
Each content area is examined in detail. During the course of study review, sample curriculum is solicited from a variety of publishers, both Christian and secular. Selection of a publisher must meet our criteria for excellence and parallel our course of study goals and objectives. Teachers are required to integrate biblical application in their weekly lesson plans in all subject matter.
Each classroom is equipped with a Smartboard. Every student is assigned a Chromebook or tablet to use throughout the school year. Our facilities include an art room, a library, a 25-unit computer lab, a music room, a multipurpose gymnasium, a cafeteria, and a recently updated playground.

Accelerated Reader
God continues to bless our academy and our AR program. We have access to over 100,000 AR quizzes. Each student has his/her own username and password, and quizzes can be taken in the computer lab, library, or classroom. Quizzes cannot be taken outside of school hours, and you cannot see what quizzes you have taken or individual goals. Students and parents can access the database of quizzes anywhere they have access to the internet.
“Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance…”
Proverbs 1:5
Here is how to search for books online:
1 – Go to
2 – Using the default Quick Search, you can search for a book by title, author, or quiz number. The AR level, how many points the book is worth, and the interest level are listed in the information about each title.
3 – To search by different criteria, click “Advanced Search” above the search box. This allows you to narrow your search by looking for books in a particular series or at a particular interest level. You can even find a listing of books in a selected category (or genre). If you would like to search by Book Level, you will select the Interest Level (Lower Grades for Kindergarten – 3rd Grade or Middle Grades for 4th – 7th Grade) and fill in your child’s ZPD range. You can print out a list and take it to the library so they can help you find the books you want. Or you can save yourself some time and reserve them online. Then all you have to do is go there to pick them up!
Since we are Renaissance Enterprise customers, we have access to ALL the quizzes available by the company, meaning that if you have access to a book that is Accelerated Reader, you will be able to take a quiz on it, whether or not it is in our PHCA library. If you go to the library, make sure to tell the librarian you have access to all the quizzes made by Accelerated Reader.
Another aspect of this subscription is allowing parents more of an active role in your student’s book selections. With thousands of books to choose from, your child may choose books from outside our library. As long as there is an Accelerated Reader quiz available and the book is within your child’s interest level and ZPD range, he/she may take a quiz on it. You may feel that some of these are not appropriate for your child, and they may not be. You will need to help your child make his/her selections. Some of you already do this; for others this may be new.
One thing I will caution students about is to check the author and publisher of your book and match them to the ones listed for your quiz. Many versions of the same title are available and if you read the condensed (abridged) version of Little Women but take the quiz for the unabridged version, you will not be able to pass the quiz. Or if the book you have is not published by one of the publishers listed there is a possibility that the questions will not match the book you read.
Feel free to contact me with further questions.
Mrs. Burden