
Ongoing Fundraisers

Not all fundraising costs you extra money.  Quite often you already shop with companies that are excited to donate towards your students’ education.  Here are some fundraising opportunities that are available throughout the year:


Buy gift cards from us and support the school!  There are hundreds to choose from!!  Check out the video below to see how participating in the PHCA Shopping Card Program will help fund PHCA’s General Operating Fund. When a family reaches $2,500 in shopping cards, $50.00 in shopping cards is awarded!

BoxTop$ for Education

Box Tops are going virtual!  Using the BoxTops Mobile app, simply scan your receipts and any participating products will automatically add to our earnings.  Watch the video below or visit for more information.

Seasonal Fundraisers

CANDY BAR SALE (Fall, October)

The Academy conducts an annual fall fundraiser to raise money for programs and activities to benefit our children. For 2024, we are selling Malley’s Chocolate Bars.


Ready, set, go! In the spring, families obtain sponsors for their students and the students participate in an hour-long race to see who can get the most laps. For 2024, our fundraising goal was $50,000! Many companies will match your donation to a non-profit organization.  Here is a list of over 600 Companies with Matching Donation Programs.

GARAGE SALE (Spring, May)

The first Saturday in May has become a hugely anticipated community event sponsored by our PTF.  With donations and volunteers from our Academy & Church families, we take our unneeded everyday items and turn our gym into the largest Garage Sale under one roof.  We have brought in over $9,000 in one day, but the impact on our community is our passion.  Store your donations in an attic or closet until the Wednesday before the sale, which is when we start setting up and receiving donations for the event.  Also, mark your calendar to volunteer during those three days of set up and sale.  It’s a guarantee you’ll be blessed even before that weekend is finished.

Other Fundraisers

Friday Bake Sale – On certain Fridays, one class is responsible for bringing in bakery (cookies, cupcakes, donuts, etc.) to be sold to students during lunchtime for 25 – 50 cents each.

Christmas Gift Shop – The week before Christmas break, our coordinator sets up a store where students can do their own Christmas shopping for family and friends.  The shop is stocked with a wide range of gifts for all family members and priced from under a dollar to about $5.

Thank you for supporting Parma Heights Christian Academy!